July 24, 2007

It's all about organizing, stupid.

Over the years, have you assembled a personal library that overwhelms tyour capacity to order volumes the way you'd like? One book store owner, decided to divide his books into colors: the red section here, the green section there. Who said you can't judge a book by its cover. It you are intimidated by the vast number of books you've read over the years--From Plath's The Glass Bell to Jean Baudrilaurd's riffs against modernism, maybe it's time to take stop: organize your library, organize your brain. There is a company that can help. If you've done your sting for Habitat for Humanity and want to synthesize all the book learning you done over the decades, there's a firm in Maryland that can help (for a price). See if The Organized Library is for you. I suspect it's not for everyone.

July 22, 2007

Have You Ever Thought About Ghostwriting?

Ever considered ghostwriting? For the best advice, got to England, or get this book through Amazon.uk. It is by far the best book on becoming a ghostwriter I've ever found, and is not available in the United States.